Just Dance

It was told that in the shul of the great Chassidic Master, the Chozeh (Seer) of Lublin, they sang and danced on the night of Rosh Hashanah. When the Misnagdim, the anti-Chassidic proponents, heard of this they were taken aback. How could the so called great Rebbe allow dancing on the awesome Day of Judgment? […]

Chanukah-Counting Money

In its discussion about the laws of Chanukah, the Talmud states that it is forbidden to use the light of the menorah to count one’s money, for doing so denigrates the importance of the mitzvah of the lights. This halacha teaches us a very deep lesson. Chanukah teaches us that miracles do happen. God is […]

The Spiritual Chamber

Last night, after visiting a new age type shop in Dizengoff Center (TA), I had an idea. Wouldn’t it be great if we had a room in the house that was totally decorated for “spirituality”? It would have candles and incense, hanging beads on the doors and windows, dim colored lighting, cusions on the floor […]